Home Window Repair Plymouth, MN Residents Can Rely On
Our Residential Glass Repair Services Include:
- Cracked or Fogged home windows
- Double pane home window
- Home window repair
- Glass panels in doors
- Patio doors
- Mirrors
- Custom glass work
- Table tops
- And pretty much anything else that is shatterable
- 20 year window warranty
The GlassTastic Promise – You can trust us with any home window repair in Plymouth, MN. Our goal is to make sure that you are 100% satisfied with the finished product. We’ll make sure that it looks even better than it did when it was brand new.
Did You Know? – Before you reach out to a contractor and have a hole put in your house, have us come out and take a look! Our experience with home window repair in Maple Grove, MN means that we can fix the glass right in the existing frames. The GlassTastic team will get your home looking good as new!
Average cost comparison from a contractor vs replacement glass:
- $30,000 for 15 new windows (new windows)
- $4,000 for 15 windows (replacement glass)
Give Glasstastic a call or text today!
GlassTastic is a full service mobile glass company locally owned and operated in Albertville, MN. We strive to meet and exceed the expectations of all our clients no matter how big or small the job.
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Monday 7:30AM–6PM
Tuesday 7:30AM–6PM
Wednesday 7:30AM–6PM
Thursday 7:30AM–6PM
Friday 7:30AM–6PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Albertville, Andover, Anoka, Becker, Big Lake, Blaine, Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, Buffalo, Chantlin, Clear Lake, Clearwater, Coon Rapids, Corcoran, Crystal, Eden Prairie, Edina, Elk River, Golden Valley, Greenfield, Hanover, Hopkins, Loretto, Maple Grove, Maple Lake, Medina, Minneapolis, Minnetonka, Monticello, New Hope, Osseo, Otsego. Plymouth, Ramsey, Rockford, Rogers, Shakopee, Spring Lake Park, St. Cloud. St. Louis Park, St. Michael, Wayzata, Zimmerman.